The Project |CRYOEM-PT

CryoEM-PT will provide access to a state-of-the-art mid-range cryo-electron microscope, enabling industrial and academic users to meet the demands of Regulatory Agencies in the EU and the USA and to carry out cutting-edge R&D projects in Health and Life sciences, for example, in cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, antibiotic resistance, and viral infections (such as SARS-CoV2).


CryoEM-PT consists of a central node located at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) in Braga and 12 regional nodes located at Universities or Research Institutions throughout Portugal. The INL node hosts the cryo-electron microscope (200kV ThermoFisher Glacios) and supports sample preparation, data collection, storage, and processing. The other nodes will host sample preparation and data processing equipment to facilitate access to the central node.

The Glacios Cryo-TEM is a mid-range cryo-electron microscope with multiple valences (single-particle reconstruction, cryo-tomography and micro-ED), and it will:

1) Support training on advanced cryo-electron microscopy techniques that are in high demand worldwide, in partnership with the regional nodes, promoting the employability of young researchers.

2) Provide training and education at all University levels.

3) Allow an easier route for Portuguese pharma and biotech companies to develop new drugs and meet regulatory demands;

4) Respond to a European-wide demand for cryo-electron microscope facilities that conduct high-quality preliminary studies, essential to secure European research funding and facilitate access to other European high-end CryoEM Centers through INSTRUCT-ERIC.

CryoEM-PT will bridge the growing gap between academic and industrial researchers in Portugal and their European, Asia and US counterparts with access to the most advanced cryo-electron microscopy technology applied to biological systems.